
Manipulate an Image with Scripting in photoshop 4

Each command here explains itself fairly well, this process would be done in Photoshop by hitting Ctrl+I then changing the blending mode and opacity manually in the layers panel then hitting Ctrl+E.


Step 12:

Now we want to add the border, the way I did this was to have this script enlarge the canvas then create a new layer and do a select all and fill this layer white. Before we do this we need to have the script calculate the size of the border depending on the size of the image. After a bit of trial and error I found a good border thickness to be 7.5% of the smaller dimension; either the height or the width. To implement this we first need to find which is smaller the width or the height then to make the border size equal to 7.5% of this. Lastly we have to double this thickness then add it to the width and the height to get the new canvas size. To simplify this slightly I just took 15% rather than 7.5% then I didn't need to double it before I added it on. The code for this stage is:
var width = docRef_1.width; var height = docRef_1.height; if (width <= height) { var borderSize = Math.round(width * 0.15); } else { var borderSize = Math.round(height * 0.15); } docRef_1.resizeCanvas(width + borderSize, height + borderSize);
Okay, the first two lines are easy; we are setting a variable for the width which is equal to the document width and a variable for the height which is equal to the document height.
Then we have an 'if' statement which says if the width is smaller or equal to the height then execute the command in the curly brackets. The first part of this command looks familiar; just creating a variable, the second part uses a Math function called round, what this does is to round whatever is in the brackets to the closest integer or whole number. We need this because some of the time 15% of the width will be a decimal number.
After this 'if' statement we have an 'else' statement which means if the width is larger than the height then it will execute the command contained within these curly brackets; which is similar to the other command.
The last line resizes the canvas to a width and height equal to borderSize added to the width and height. Note that the 1px border around these images is just added in because the background is also white.

Step 13:

Now if you tested the script you might think it looks fine however the background layer will resize to fit any size of canvas so we need to have the script create a new layer with the border in it then merge this layer and the image layer. The code for this is:
docRef_1.artLayers.add(); docRef_1.activeLayer.move(docRef_1.backgroundLayer, ElementPlacement.PLACEBEFORE); docRef_1.selection.selectAll(); docRef_1.selection.fill(white); docRef_1.selection.deselect(); docRef_1.layers[0].merge();
The only part of this code that we haven't seen before is the move command which we are using on the active layer which will be the one we just created. The first part inside the brackets is the reference layer which we have defined as the background layer, the second part tells Photoshop to move the active layer to before the reference layer using ElementPlacement.PLACEBEFORE.

Step 14:

Now we are going to add what will become the shadow, at the moment this will just be a layer directly before the background layer filled with black. Here is the code:
docRef_1.artLayers.add(); docRef_1.activeLayer.move(docRef_1.backgroundLayer, ElementPlacement.PLACEBEFORE); docRef_1.selection.selectAll(); docRef_1.selection.fill(black); docRef_1.selection.deselect();
This code is nearly exactly the same as the code in the last step except that this is filled black and we don’t merge it yet. If you test it shouldn't look any different from what it did in the last step.

Step 15:

Okay now we want the script to resize the canvas so it can fit the image at any angle; this requires good old bit of Pythagoras. The code for this is:
var width = docRef_1.width; var height = docRef_1.height; var newSize = Math.round(Math.sqrt(width * width + height * height)) + borderSize; docRef_1.resizeCanvas(newSize, newSize);
The first two lines create new variables for the width and height. The next line create a variable for the new size of the document, the Math.sqrt function in this takes the square root of the number in the brackets and we add the borderSize just to account for the shadow we will create. The last line is resizing the canvas.

Step 16:

Now to create the shadow, we want the script to add a gaussian blur to the black layer we created earlier. I found that the value for the gaussian blur should be a third of the borderSize and the opacity, 50%. Here's the code for this part:
docRef_1.activeLayer.applyGaussianBlur(borderSize / 3); docRef_1.activeLayer.opacity = 50;
The first line is in the same for as the average blur which we made in step 5.

                                                                              1  2  3  4  5

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