
جدول امتحانات الثانوية العامة 2011 الجديد

صورة أرشيفية ,لــ إمتحان الثانوية العامة
جدول إمتحان الثانوية العامة النهائى المعلن عنة فى المدراس
,جدول إمتحان الثانوية العامة 2011.
بعد تلك الظروف التى مرت بها مصر فى الفترة الاخيرة ,توقع البعض تأجيل متوقع للامتحانات الثانوية العامة , فى حين تم وضع نظام جديد لامتحانات نظام يوم ويوم ,حيث تبدأ الامتحانات اول شهر يونيو القادم ,على نظام جديد تماماً
ندعوا الله جميعاً ان يكون بشرى خير لجميع الطلبة والطالبات وان يوفق الجميع الى الخير.
  من المقرر أن تبدأ الامتحانات خلال شهر يونيو الاسبوع الاول من الشهر ,بدلاً من بدايتها 28 من شهر  مايو كما كان معد لة مسبقاً , إلا أن الإمتحانات ستستمر ثلاث اسابيع على نظام جدول الثانوية العامة الجديد 2011.
جاءت المواد الاساسية متصدرة جدول إمتحانات الثانوية العامة 2011 كاللغة العربية والاجنبية سواء الاولى او الثانية والتربية الدينية ,جاءت تلك المواد كلها متصدرة الجدول.
فى حين يتم توزيع باقى المواد الإختيارية على ايام الجدول حسب الوزن النسبى لكل مادة.
كما تقرر تعديل جدول الامتحانات لتستمر لمدة 24 يوما بدلا من 12 يوما
فى حين من المقرر أن تبدأ الإمتحانات يوم 11 يونيو المقبل بمشيئة الله.

جدول إمتحانات الثانوية العامة 2011

جدول إمتحانات الثانوية العامة 2011

وسيتم بمشيئة الله إدراج جدول إمتحانات الثانوية العامة المعتمد فى حين إعتمادة من وزارة التربية والتعليم بشكل نهائى ,بإذن الله تابعونا خلال الايام القادمة.

20 Creative Desktop Wallpapers

Feel like buying a new computer but unfortunately your wallet can't afford one right now? Well, new PC (or MAC) just have to wait then. But for now, you can think about getting a new wallpaper instead for your desktop. It's nothing much, but you'll be looking at something fresh and new the next time you turn on your computer. Cheer up, life's not so bad. At least you got a computer to begin with.

Photoshop cs5 tutorials and Courses

Photoshop Courses

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step .2 )

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Which to buy? That is the question

Which to buy? That is the question.

The scenario I have tried to build here is that there is not one correct choice in image editing for every user. An honest evaluation of what you need should point you in the right direction as to what program you should buy and use. This

evaluation should include a practical look at your individual needs, moreso than how well you can impress your photo-club buddies by what you can afford to buy. In many cases, the honest answer for what program to use may look to one of the less expensive options.
Faced with the opportunity to budget a purchase of Photoshop (using someone else's money) at my current job, I opted to purchase Elements instead and save the rest of the budget for system upgrades that would better suit my purposes. This decision was based on the budget, the reality of needs, the production volume, and availability of additional resources.
For the true graphics professional, there may be no substitute for Photoshop. The qualification as 'professional' can vary, however, and this may not continue to be the case as other products catch up and are released. In the sense I use it here, a graphics professional is one who deals with a mixed bag of graphics on a professional level, needing to provide images extensively as part of professional services in graphic design (e.g., desktop publishing, web design, etc.). In other words, while many professional services may have graphic needs (e.g., real estate in processing images of homes), the professional need in all instances may not be so demanding or varied as to warrant need of Photoshop. However, if there is a feature used even once a month that is 'Photoshop Only' necessary to provide professional results that can't be achieved in other ways, it may be worth the investment to maintain clients and production times.
Currently Photoshop remains recognized as a standard tool for the graphics professional, and those who are serious in the field will often be required to have intimate knowledge of the program. It will be the common program of choice in a professional or business setting, and perhaps a less common choice in a private one-unless you are really demanding in your graphics needs or want a license at home to hone up on and practice using the program.
Paint Shop Pro is a very good choice for the PC user who wants power on a budget while getting a little more feature-wise than Photoshop Elements will provide. This user should be somewhat self-reliant, able to concoct solutions from Photoshop-centric materials (because of thinner supply of PSP-centric materials), and should fear no rebuke or reprimand for using something other than Photoshop by choice. Almost exclusively a home-user pick for PC.
Photoshop Elements is a good choice for home use tool for those on a budget, or professionals who don't have pre-press or other volume imaging demands. It can function as a second Photoshop license to some degree and can be useful for processing images using actions and batch functions. It can be a learning tool for those newer to digital images, and provides room to expand. It can be a logical choice for those who use Photoshop at work as a less expensive home license option. It is bi-platform, so is friendly for both Mac and PC users, and it allows users to tap the broad base of information available to Photoshop users with more confidence. Though lacking in some features available in Photoshop and PSP (e.g., pen tool), it has just about all of what you will need for image processing (lacking a few things such as 16-bit functions� though it will open 16-bit images as 8-bit). a good pick for most users on many levels.
The thing to keep in mind is that it is not the package that makes the image. Much of your image processing should be done in the camera. It sometimes takes years to master image editing (using any program) to the point where you are comfortable with and good at what you do... it is like learning any art. Depending on your background you may have some insight to make the learning go faster, but as I've said elsewhere, a more expensive hammer will still only drive the nails.
Elements, Photoshop and PSP are comparable, and the difference is not so much that Photoshop would be a nailgun compared to a hammer. If you aren't much beyond using Autocontrast, the choice of programs won't make your images much better. Each program has many useful production features� most all that you will need in common situations.
To me, if you aren't doing high-volume CMYK, working in 16-bit and writing your own actions, owning Photoshop won't matter much... a less broad tool may be "the best" for you.

Photoshop vs. Photoshop Elements 3

Photoshop vs. Photoshop Elements

At this point, let me say that one of the greatest advantages to Adobe products (as opposed to some of the other image processing programs,) is that they are almost always cross platform. The product you work on with a Mac will be nearly the same as the same program used with a PC. This means that you can go from one type of computer
to the next, change jobs or buy a new cost-efficient system and not have to worry that you will need to relearn the program you use for image editing-though you may need to purchase another license. A real drawback to the professional using Paint Shop Pro (or others) would be that job opportunities may actually be limited to shops that use PCs. This is regardless of the level of expertise achieved using PSP.

Side-by-side Comparison

As mentioned earlier, a side-by-side comparison of features between these programs is difficult or impossible. A specific feature by a specific name may not exist in one interface, but the same results may be possible none-the-less. The real difference lies in core abilities of the programs, rather than the features themselves.
Photoshop is probably the most full-featured, professional program in the group that includes Paint Shop Pro and Elements. However, that means is it has the most fringe tools: high-end, professional tools and functions that you will need in a production environment, and short-step, duty-specific tools for common procedures. Custom CMYK separations, broad 16-bit support, extensive color management options, on screen proofing, layer comps, animation (Image Ready), large images, non-square pixels, slices and HTML exports are all examples of hardcore, high-end needs included with the recent Photoshop CS release. These are exactly the tools that home users may never use or care about individually. Tossed into the mix are a few hype-tools that may grab user attention and imagination, but that may not perform the magic they suggest (e.g., healing, extract, panorama and even channel mixer). The key features that determine a 'need' for Photoshop would almost always be those high-end tools listed. The drawback to supporting the broad range of user tools-from the merely flashy to the more production based-is that the Photoshop interface is hugely complex, often with screens buried behind other screens behind buttons depending on selected options. Just through sheer bulk, the new user will often be daunted - and might find a steep learning curve awaits. It really isn't "the best" for everyone.
      NOTE: I think Photoshop CS is the best release of Photoshop by Adobe in a while, so I'm not putting down the program. Too many people spend a lot more than they need to, and I hate to see that.

Paint Shop Pro

Paint Shop Pro has virtually all of the every-day tools found in Photoshop, but lags behind somewhat, perhaps in polish (e.g., vector handling) and a few of the more recently added advancements found in Photoshop (e.g., 16-bit support). At the same time, Paint Shop Pro adds its own flavors to the mix, in such popular features as nozzles (which act something like a paintbrush full of pictures; some PSP users collect and trade these). But, practically speaking, a side-by-side comparison may show few differences that effect daily use and the home user working with photographs. JASC has been effective in updating Paint Shop Pro in attempts to keep up with Adobe's lead. With the cost advantage, it might seem obvious to any PC user that PSP would be the clear choice because of the abundance of features in comparison to price (or, rather, compared to the price of Photoshop). The Mac user is left totally without an option here as the program is PC only, but it does offer a viable, much less expensive alternative to Photoshop for the PC user. While it is a program that should be taken more seriously in professional circles, it doesn't have the general acceptance of Adobe products nor the wide-spread user support structure.
      NOTE: I worked on a project with Jasc for PSP6, and have not had much opportunity to work with the product since, but even at the time found few things that were impossible to do in PSP or that were inherently inferior. Jasc might do well not to leave Mac users out on their ear by developing a cross-platform market to expand their credability and acceptance.

Photoshop Elements

Photoshop Elements is an adaptation of Photoshop meant to address and attract the croud of users who would otherwise be looking to Paint Shop Pro (or other less expensive program) because of the strong feature set and attractive price. While removing some of the access to higher-end features, Elements (as per the name) retains the core functions of Photoshop, and goes one step further to attempt to simplify the interface. The result is a powerful package with core abilities that rival its sister program Photoshop. Note that I suggest it is a 'sister', rather than a 'simplified', 'dumbed down' or 'limited' version as I often see it referred to.
Elements is not really made to be a program that is subservient to Photoshop: it is intended to be a different product entirely that focuses on digital photography and basically an RGB workflow. Adobe chose to hide some of the features in the interface (e.g., Curves, Channel Mixer, Color Balance, CMYK, channels, calculations and running actions, all of which are all possible using work-arounds from my book). This can either be seen as an attempt by Adobe to distance the product from Photoshop, or, and it seems more correctly, as a means of keeping the interface easier and more manangeable.
The program has an easier structure than Photoshop and is more friendly to new users because there are fewer tools on the surface, but translating that to somehow inferior is incorrect. The guts of the program are the same as Photoshop, and the user can enhance the interface along with their growth as a user. It serves both the purpose of an introductory package, and in some cases, potential as a professional one. Certainly it can work as a partner with Photoshop to behave as a less expensive second license: just build actions you need in Photoshop and install them in Elements to create solutions to production needs.
      NOTE: As for tools it is said to be missing from Elements, most all of these can be devised using the right techniques. For example, I've released a healing tool for Elements users, and can easily create an extract tool using existing functionality. It is all a matter of employing core tools to define technique.

Which to buy? That is the question

... story continues on the next page... 1 2 3

Photoshop vs. Photoshop Elements

Photoshop vs. Photoshop Elements

Which is "the best", is, more often than not, flat out the wrong question to ask. If you have common needs for image editing, you can likely get results with any image editing program that you choose-you just need to learn to use it. That said, there are key differences in popularity, price, and system requirements that may affect your choice more than features-and these concerns might not matter one iota to the image results.
Several of the most popular packages for image editing are Photoshop, Paint Shop Pro and Photoshop Elements. I'll use these packages to point out some of the choices you have to be aware of to make the best solution for you. It would only confuse the matter more to throw in additional high-level products such as Ulead PhotoImpact (PC only), GIMP and Photo32.

Price Gap

Price is something that is hard to ignore when you look at a comparison between Photoshop, Paint Shop Pro and Photoshop Elements. Photoshop retails for $650, Paint Shop Pro for $109, and Photoshop Elements for $99. This would seem to place PS in a class of its own, leaving PSP and PE to battle it out on a different tier. At some level (e.g., professional pre-press use) this may be true, but in reality may not be if the user honestly considers the important features that will be used day-to-day.
Traditionally, high-end items tend to cost quite a lot more than even more-than-adequate bretheren. It is a sort of luxury tax levied by those who achieve exclusivity. A Rolls Royce may weigh in with a hefty price tag, but pales to an indy racer whose high level of sophistication makes it all but unuseable in daily situations (e.g., commuting). I would take neither out in a snowstorm to stock up on needed supplies. The investment in a rolls or indy racer would strike most as an absurd expenditure for a daily car unless one was so rich that it just plain didn't matter. In a similar way, it is hard for some people to swallow the idea that a lower price in an image editor may not mean you get less than you need.
High cost in an image editor traditionally comes with something that people completely ignore: increased operating and hidden costs. It should be no surprise that future upgrades to a costly program will tend to cost more than upgrades to a less expensive program. More expensive, more robust programs may require greater processing abilities, and in-turn have processing needs which require more robust systems-at a greater cost in addition to the program purchase. In recent years, Adobe's attention to processing power for Photoshop has forced many Mac users to purchase entirely new systems if they wanted to remain on the cutting edge. This hidden cost of image processing can total multiples of the cost of the program itself.
If you have an unlimited budget for image editing, then it is fine to ignore the costs. If you are on any type of budget, however, the upgrade expenditure that one may have for updating to a new version of a program should be weighted against other opportunities. It may be that the investment can be put to better use elsewhere, such as in investing in an update for your system (more RAM, a second monitor, more disk space, faster processor, a storage and archiving device, saving for a college education, etc.). Some of these updates may prove far more useful to you than the newest version of the program.

When is an upgrade not an upgrade?

Some people upgrade out of obligation (!), or the need to have the newest toy first, when the first consideration should be need. No single tool or function alone is worth the price difference in an upgrade unless you will be using that feature extensively. Upgrades should be looked at collectively; Read the release notes before upgrading. Hot new features should be looked at a little skeptically: they should add functionality that cannot be duplicated in any other fashion (for example, this was not the case for healing and extract functions). A few interesting additions in the feature set may get a bit of attention (by the manufacturer) as key features for a release, but may not really much more than interesting interfaces to accomplish tasks, rather than must-have additions. For the most part, new tools are never really magic, and just about any process can be mimicked or duplicated using the less expensive programs or pre-upgrade versions. Snazzy features are often just a variation on using basic tools in conjunction.

More Doesn't Mean Better

The obvious assumption one might make about a program with more features is that the program will be more robust, more powerful, and 'better'. However, a newer user may not find having more features to necessarily be better: more features may just mean you just have more choices to get something done, more potential confusion, more chances to use things incorrectly, and in the end: more features you won't need or bother to use. If the added features are essentially redundant you just have additional menu items screens and options to remember. An important factor is not always so much how many features there are, but how they are arranged and how intuitive you find them as a user, and what they really (rather than proport to) do.
Regretfully, learning the features of any program is a process. Some red-eye repair feature you found in a freebee program you got with your digital camera may or may not be called a red eye tool in another package as it may have different implementation and/or broader purpose. This makes a one-to-one comparison of features all but impossible. It is helpful to look at and compare programs by exhausing their demo possibilities. All of the differences between packages may not become apparent in a short-term trial offered in a 30 day demo, as even with dilligence, it is likely that you will only be becoming familiar with the program at that point. However, actually working with the program when possible will give you a credible means of comparison-and a better one for determining your need. If you can't find a feature by name, don't necessarily assume it isn't there.

Photoshop & Elements Going Head-to-Head

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Photoshop vs. Photoshop Elements

photoshop cs5 tutorials

Photoshop Cs5 vs. Photoshop Cs5 Elements

One of the ongoing debates as well as frequent questions is "which program should I buy... Photoshop or Photoshop Cs5 Elements?" Now, when someone asks this question

in the Design Cafe list or the Graphics Cafe list it brings as many different opinions as there are those who wish to respond. There are the Photoshop cs5 diehards and the Photoshop cs5 wannabes against the Elements diehards and the totally clueless. In almost all discussions, Photoshop cs5 almost always wins. But there's more to this story then that.
Adobe's move to the 'suite' concept has had an impact on all those people in the fringes of image editing. Sure, the high-end professionals will stick to Photoshop. But there's a nation of 'fringe' computer users who cannot or are not willing to make the leap into the 'Creative Suite' arena. These are computers users who occasionally need an image editing program and are forced to use any of the many Photoshop surrogates -- with less than acceptable results.
I've formed my own opinion that Elements has gotten a bum-wrap as a capable image editing program. So, to help put all the rumors and opinions to rest, I've turned to my good friend Richard Lynch as probably the most appropriate person in the graphics world to help me sort through the pros and cons. Richard has produced numerous Photoshop books -- the "Using" series -- as well as now two books on Elements. So he's well versed in both programs, and uniquely qualified to help us help you make that decision.
Ladies and Gentlemen: Richard Lynch

Photoshop cs5 vs. Elements

There is a lot of confusion and misunderstanding when it comes to choosing a program for editing your digital images and what the differences actually are between programs. Time and again you will hear that Photoshop is "the best" and many people consider it the only choice for editing images. While this may have been mostly true in the past when there really was little competition, it is now inaccurate. The fact is there are several good image editors and viable options for image editing depending on your level of use. There is no doubt that there is difference between these programs which lies both on the surface (what features are included, how those tools are implemented, and the interface) and behind the scenes (how the changes you affect get calculated). But how that effects your image results beyond your technique in using the different programs may be a lesser issue.
Advanced image editing programs share many common tools that you really need to edit images. It is just common sense that an image editor worth using at all will incorporate the obvious: one manufacturer will know what is in the competetor's tools, and can pick and choose which to mimic -- time allowed. As that is true, virtually any of the better image editing packages will do for 90% of users who have common needs.
Regretfully, many people buy Photoshop on recommendation because it is "the best" without knowing what it means to be the best. Those people may never need the high-power, professional tools offered in Photoshop that really set it apart as an image editing program. It is the equivalent of putting a 14 megapixel professional digital camera in the hands of a beginner. They invest in Photoshop because someone tells them it is the best, or they think they need it to somehow make their images better, or because it is some type of status symbol. In some cases the investment may turn out to be a strange way to proclaim vanity, rather than need or expertise.
For those who don't prefer (or promote using) Photoshop, the program defined as "the best" might end up as the one that they happened to prefer at the time they started to get the hang of working with images. Their preference may actually have been born of something less to do with one program actually being better than another, than seeing it that way because of familiarity. The catalyst may have been something as simple as placement of the tools, design of the interface, price, circumstance or convenience.
Whatever the reason for the preference, the invisible line is drawn, and thus ensues the great debate about some programs being better than others with staunch defenders of each camp. Some yodel from the hilltops, and some seek out a fight. The arguments of this sort are remaniscent of the mac vs. pc wars waged endlessly in newsgroups, forums and listservs. They usually have to do with an extreme miopia of the user trying to defend their investment -- often without really knowing much about the other options. Reviews of a product are often tainted by ignorance of other products and what those other products can really do.

Let's get to the bottom of the Photoshop cs5 vs Elements debate...

... article continues on the next page. 1 2 3

Tips on Using Light Textures on Your Photo

Last week we did a blog post showing a great collection of free light textures for your download. And in that post, we promised to make another post this week about some tips on how to use them for decorating your photo or design. Promises are something we all should try best to keep, and we intend to do just that here. So, keep reading and maybe you'll be struck by some useful idea and

نتيجة استفتاء الدستور - نتيجه الاستفتاء على تعديل الدستور 19 مارس

نتيجة استفتاء الدستور المصرى اليوم
نتيجة إستفتاء الدستور المصرى اليوم,هل توافق على التعديلات الدستورية ,ام ترفض تعديلات الدستور المصرى.
بموافقت على تعديلات الدستور فاها قد بدأ عهد جديد ,وبعدم موافقدت يبدأ العمل على وضع دستور مصرى جديد.
من خلال هذا الموضوع نتابع معكم نتيجة استفتاء الدستور فى مصر اليوم وما هى النتيجة التى سيؤال إليها استفتاء الدستور الجديد.
هناك عدد من المواد التى تم إجراء الاستفتاء عليها اليوم والتصويت عليها من قبل الكثير من المواطنين اليوم ,حيث شهدت العديد من اللجان فى مختلف مدن ومحافظات مصر تواجداً مكثفاً من قبل المصوتين على اللجان الإنتخابية,بين مؤيد للتعديل وبين رافض لتلك العديلات كلا منهم لة إنتمائة ورأية ,وهدفة من هذا التصويت ,بينما يبقى الرأى لك فى صندقو الاقتراع.
بكل شفافية خرج الكثير من ابناء الشعب المصرى للتصويت على تعديل الدستور كل من هؤلاء متاكد تمام الثقة بأن صوتة ربما يشكل فارقاً كبيراً فى تلك الإنتخابات الحاسمة.
شهدت الإنتخابات عدداُ لم تشهدة من قبل فى تاريخ الإنتخابات المصرية على مر الاعوام الماضية,وربما ستشهدة من جديد فى ظل تلك الديمقراطية التى يعايشها ابناء الشعب المصرى فى تلك الفترة فى ظل سقوط الحكم الظالم.
من المقرر أن تظهر نتيجة التعديلات الدستورية فى مصر السبت القادم 29-3-2011 باذن الله نتيجة استفتاء الدستور :
المواد التى جرى عليها التصويت اليوم هى كما فى الصورة القادمة :

سنتابع معكم بإذن الله اخر اخبار نتيجة استفتاء الدستور فى مصر الى حين ظهور نتيجة الاستفتاء بإذن الله.

Photoshop Courses

learn free adobe photoshop course feel free to visit this website step by step free training easy adobe photoshop turorial and courses the way for free quality eaducation start fourse from the below list
step .1 )
Drawing Paths with the Pen tool in Photoshop Photoshop Tutorial
step .2 )

step .3 )
step .4 )
step .5 )
step .6 )
step .7 )


Adobe photoshop cs5 video tutorials

25 Free Light Textures for Your Download

Lights will guide you home and ignite your bones. In this case, they illuminate your design as well. Light textures shine everywhere around the web, but today we brought to you 25 best (okay maybe 26 to make it even) light textures that you can download for free. Click on the preview picture to download the texture, credit goes to the creator. Don't forget to check out this blog next week, and

فرض حظر جوي على ليبيا قرار وزراء الخارجية العرب

المؤتمر الاخير لوزراء الخارجية العرب
انباء عن موافقة جماعة الدول العربية الى فرض حظر جوى على ليبيا.
تناقلت الاخبار منذ قليل عن موافقة وزارء الخارجية العرب لتلك الدوعة التى أطلقها مجلس الامن الدولى بفرض حظر جوى على ليبيا ,وفتح إتصال بين وزارء الخارجية العرب وبين المجلس الوطنى الإنتقالى فى لبيبا فى بنغازى.
بينما أكد الوزراء العرب على فرض حظر جوى على ليبيا "داعين مجلس الامن لتحمل مسؤولياته بفرض حظر جوى على الاجواء الليبية لحماية الشعب الليبى".
جاءت الموافقة على فرض حظر جوى على ليبيا من جميع وزراء الخارجية العرب ,بينما رفضت سوريا والجزائر هذا الإقتراح.
حيث أكد وزير خارجية سوريا يوسف أحمد ,على أن سوريا تخشى من أن يكون قرار فرض حظر جوى على ليبيا ,بمسابة تمهيد عربى للتدخل العسكرى الاجنبى الى ليبيا.
حيث أشار السفير السورى خلال كلمتة التى ألقاها على مجلس جامعة الدول العربية ,بانة فى ظل تلك الموافقة من قبل معظم الدول الدائمين فى مجلس الامن على ضرورة التدخل فى ليبيا ,حتى لو كان هذا التدخل عسكرى , مؤكداً على أن السؤال المحورى فى هذا الوقت ,ماهى الضمانات التى تركن إليها هذا إذا كان هناك أى ضمانات..
مشيراً الى أن قرار التدخل العسكرى الاجنبى ربما يكون مقدمة لتقسيم ليبيا ,تحت ذريعة مقتضيات الامر الواقع.
كلمات ألقها وزير خارجية سوريا ,بينما أكد على رفض سوريا لفرض حظر جوى على ليبيا,مؤكدا على أن سوريا لا تقبل أى تدخل أجنبى فى الشؤن الليبية.
الجدير بالذكر أن مجلس التعاون الخليجى كان قد أيد ضرورة فرض حظر جوى على ليبيا,بينما أكد اليوم الامين العام لجماعة الدول العربية عمرو موسى قراراً بموافقة وزراء الخارجية العرب على فرض حظر جوى على ليبيا.

Manipulate an Image with Scripting in photoshop 5

Step 17:

We now want the script to rotate both the image and the shadow then merge them, this gives a better result than merging them then rotating. We want the angle of

rotation to be different each time but somewhere between -20° and 20°. The code for this is:
var angle = Math.round(Math.random() * 40) - 20; docRef_1.activeLayer.rotate(angle, AnchorPosition.MIDDLECENTER); docRef_1.activeLayer = docRef_1.layers[0]; docRef_1.activeLayer.rotate(angle, AnchorPosition.MIDDLECENTER); docRef_1.activeLayer.merge();
The Math.random function will select a number between 0 and 1, so this number is not an integer, this is why we have the rounding function in the first line. To manipulate this number so it is between -20 and 20 we have the script multiply it by 40 then subtract 20 from the rounded number.This number is stored in a variable named angle.
We then have the rotate command used on the active layer which is still the shadow layer, her define the angle to be our angle variable and the anchor to be in the middle. The rotation can be done in Photoshop by hitting Ctrl+T.
The last three lines select the image layer, rotate it then merge them.

Final Script:

preferences.rulerUnits = Units.PIXELS; displayDialogs = DialogModes.NO

open(File(openDialog())); var docRef_1 = activeDocument; docRef_1.backgroundLayer.duplicate(); var white = new SolidColor(); white.rgb["hexValue"] = "ffffff" var black = new SolidColor(); black.rgb["hexValue"] = "000000" foregroundColor = black; backgroundColor = white; docRef_1.selection.selectAll(); docRef_1.selection.fill(white); docRef_1.selection.deselect(); docRef_1.layers[0].duplicate(); docRef_1.activeLayer = docRef_1.layers[0]; docRef_1.activeLayer.applyAverage(); for (RLevel = 0; RLevel <= 255; RLevel ++) { if (docRef_1.channels["Red"].histogram[RLevel]) { break; } } for (GLevel = 0; GLevel <= 255; GLevel ++) { if (docRef_1.channels["Green"].histogram[GLevel]) { break; } } for (BLevel = 0; BLevel <= 255; BLevel ++) { if (docRef_1.channels["Blue"].histogram[BLevel]) { break; } } var R = 0; var G = 0; var B = 0; if (RLevel > GLevel && RLevel > BLevel) { R = 255; } if (GLevel > BLevel && GLevel > RLevel) { G = 255; } if (BLevel > RLevel && BLevel > GLevel) { B = 255; } var color = new SolidColor(); = R; = G; = B; docRef_1.selection.selectAll(); docRef_1.selection.fill(color); docRef_1.selection.deselect(); docRef_1.activeLayer.invert(); docRef_1.activeLayer.blendMode = BlendMode.COLORBLEND; docRef_1.activeLayer.opacity = 50; docRef_1.activeLayer.merge(); var width = docRef_1.width; var height = docRef_1.height; if (width <= height) { var borderSize = Math.round(width * 0.15); } else { var borderSize = Math.round(height * 0.15); } docRef_1.resizeCanvas(width + borderSize, height + borderSize); docRef_1.artLayers.add(); docRef_1.activeLayer.move(docRef_1.backgroundLayer, ElementPlacement.PLACEBEFORE); docRef_1.selection.selectAll(); docRef_1.selection.fill(white); docRef_1.selection.deselect(); docRef_1.layers[0].merge(); docRef_1.artLayers.add(); docRef_1.activeLayer.move(docRef_1.backgroundLayer, ElementPlacement.PLACEBEFORE); docRef_1.selection.selectAll(); docRef_1.selection.fill(black); docRef_1.selection.deselect(); var width = docRef_1.width; var height = docRef_1.height; var newSize = Math.round(Math.sqrt(width * width + height * height)) + borderSize; docRef_1.resizeCanvas(newSize, newSize); docRef_1.activeLayer.applyGaussianBlur(borderSize / 3); docRef_1.activeLayer.opacity = 50; var angle = Math.round(Math.random() * 40) - 20; docRef_1.activeLayer.rotate(angle, AnchorPosition.MIDDLECENTER); docRef_1.activeLayer = docRef_1.layers[0]; docRef_1.activeLayer.rotate(angle, AnchorPosition.MIDDLECENTER); docRef_1.activeLayer.merge();
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Manipulate an Image with Scripting in photoshop 4

Each command here explains itself fairly well, this process would be done in Photoshop by hitting Ctrl+I then changing the blending mode and opacity manually in the layers panel then hitting Ctrl+E.


Step 12:

Now we want to add the border, the way I did this was to have this script enlarge the canvas then create a new layer and do a select all and fill this layer white. Before we do this we need to have the script calculate the size of the border depending on the size of the image. After a bit of trial and error I found a good border thickness to be 7.5% of the smaller dimension; either the height or the width. To implement this we first need to find which is smaller the width or the height then to make the border size equal to 7.5% of this. Lastly we have to double this thickness then add it to the width and the height to get the new canvas size. To simplify this slightly I just took 15% rather than 7.5% then I didn't need to double it before I added it on. The code for this stage is:
var width = docRef_1.width; var height = docRef_1.height; if (width <= height) { var borderSize = Math.round(width * 0.15); } else { var borderSize = Math.round(height * 0.15); } docRef_1.resizeCanvas(width + borderSize, height + borderSize);
Okay, the first two lines are easy; we are setting a variable for the width which is equal to the document width and a variable for the height which is equal to the document height.
Then we have an 'if' statement which says if the width is smaller or equal to the height then execute the command in the curly brackets. The first part of this command looks familiar; just creating a variable, the second part uses a Math function called round, what this does is to round whatever is in the brackets to the closest integer or whole number. We need this because some of the time 15% of the width will be a decimal number.
After this 'if' statement we have an 'else' statement which means if the width is larger than the height then it will execute the command contained within these curly brackets; which is similar to the other command.
The last line resizes the canvas to a width and height equal to borderSize added to the width and height. Note that the 1px border around these images is just added in because the background is also white.

Step 13:

Now if you tested the script you might think it looks fine however the background layer will resize to fit any size of canvas so we need to have the script create a new layer with the border in it then merge this layer and the image layer. The code for this is:
docRef_1.artLayers.add(); docRef_1.activeLayer.move(docRef_1.backgroundLayer, ElementPlacement.PLACEBEFORE); docRef_1.selection.selectAll(); docRef_1.selection.fill(white); docRef_1.selection.deselect(); docRef_1.layers[0].merge();
The only part of this code that we haven't seen before is the move command which we are using on the active layer which will be the one we just created. The first part inside the brackets is the reference layer which we have defined as the background layer, the second part tells Photoshop to move the active layer to before the reference layer using ElementPlacement.PLACEBEFORE.

Step 14:

Now we are going to add what will become the shadow, at the moment this will just be a layer directly before the background layer filled with black. Here is the code:
docRef_1.artLayers.add(); docRef_1.activeLayer.move(docRef_1.backgroundLayer, ElementPlacement.PLACEBEFORE); docRef_1.selection.selectAll(); docRef_1.selection.fill(black); docRef_1.selection.deselect();
This code is nearly exactly the same as the code in the last step except that this is filled black and we don’t merge it yet. If you test it shouldn't look any different from what it did in the last step.

Step 15:

Okay now we want the script to resize the canvas so it can fit the image at any angle; this requires good old bit of Pythagoras. The code for this is:
var width = docRef_1.width; var height = docRef_1.height; var newSize = Math.round(Math.sqrt(width * width + height * height)) + borderSize; docRef_1.resizeCanvas(newSize, newSize);
The first two lines create new variables for the width and height. The next line create a variable for the new size of the document, the Math.sqrt function in this takes the square root of the number in the brackets and we add the borderSize just to account for the shadow we will create. The last line is resizing the canvas.

Step 16:

Now to create the shadow, we want the script to add a gaussian blur to the black layer we created earlier. I found that the value for the gaussian blur should be a third of the borderSize and the opacity, 50%. Here's the code for this part:
docRef_1.activeLayer.applyGaussianBlur(borderSize / 3); docRef_1.activeLayer.opacity = 50;
The first line is in the same for as the average blur which we made in step 5.

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Manipulate an Image with Scripting in photoshop 3

Step 7:

This step is slightly more complicated, what we want to do is find the RGB values of the color we have in this layer. There is no really simple way of doing this in

a script but the method I use is to have the script select first the red channel then get the histogram of that channel then go through the histogram from 0 to 255 until it finds a value that isn't zero then that value will be the R value, it then repeats that for the green and blue channels. It is easier to explain this by going through this process in Photoshop. If you don't still have the document open from when you tested it in the last step then run your script again. Okay go to the channels by going window>channels and select the red channel this should now hide all the other channels and the image will look grayscale. Next hit Ctrl+L to go to the levels adjustments, you will see a histogram with one vertical line in it, now drag one of the output levels sliders to roughly below the line and the number in the corresponding box is the R value. Getting the G and B value is done in the same way. The script to do this for the R value is shown below, from this you should be able to work out the code for the G and B value.
for (RLevel = 0; RLevel <= 255; RLevel ++) { if (docRef_1.channels["Red"].histogram[RLevel]) { break; } }
This block of code is a 'for' loop, what line 1 does is says to start RLevel at 0 and keep looping around while RLevel is still smaller or equal to 255 and also to increment RLevel by 1 each time it loops around. The part which says RLevel ++ means increment RLevel by 1.
The part inside this loop is an 'if' statement and it will execute the command inside the curly brackets only if the statement within the normal brackets is true. Lets look at the statement within the normal brackets, its telling Photoshop to get the red channel in document one then getting the histogram array. The histogram that we looked at didn't look like a row of boxes but in fact it is, for each each output value horizontally from zero to 255 is a corresponding vertical value. In the histogram we looked at there was only one output value which didn't correspond to a non-zero value so RLevel can be thought of as the output value. since we haven't included anything else in the brackets like an equals sign or a greater than sign then it will automatically only return true if the value returned from the histogram is non-zero and since there is only one non-zero value then this will be the R value. The command to execute if this is true is the break command, this will stop the loop so we won't go round again after we find the correct value. the two closing curly brackets are just to close the 'for' loop and the 'if' statement.

Step 8:

Below I have included the full code up to this point, including the G and B value checks:
preferences.rulerUnits = Units.PIXELS; displayDialogs = DialogModes.NO

open(File(openDialog())); var docRef_1 = activeDocument; docRef_1.backgroundLayer.duplicate(); var white = new SolidColor(); white.rgb["hexValue"] = "ffffff" var black = new SolidColor(); black.rgb["hexValue"] = "000000" foregroundColor = black; backgroundColor = white; docRef_1.selection.selectAll(); docRef_1.selection.fill(white); docRef_1.selection.deselect(); docRef_1.layers[0].duplicate(); docRef_1.activeLayer = docRef_1.layers[0]; docRef_1.activeLayer.applyAverage(); for (RLevel = 0; RLevel <= 255; RLevel ++) { if (docRef_1.channels["Red"].histogram[RLevel]) { break; } } for (GLevel = 0; GLevel <= 255; GLevel ++) { if (docRef_1.channels["Green"].histogram[GLevel]) { break; } } for (BLevel = 0; BLevel <= 255; BLevel ++) { if (docRef_1.channels["Blue"].histogram[BLevel]) { break; } }
Now we are going to check to se if these last bits of code actually work, to do this we will use an alert box and make it display the RGB values. Insert this code below the rest of your code:
alert(RLevel + ", " + GLevel + ", " + BLevel)
The alert box should contain the RGB values check these by double clicking on the foreground color then using the eyedropper. If the colors match then delete this alert box code and move on, if they don't match or it's not working just copy and paste the full code above and try again.

Step 9:

From now on I won't go into much detail as most of the things coming up have been covered already. Now depending on the average color we want to edit it in different ways. The way we will edit it is fill this layer with a solid color change its blending mode to color. The color of this layer will depend on the average color; if the average color is mostly blue we will use the color yellow, mostly green we will use magenta and mostly red we will use cyan. I'm going to show a long way of doing this just to demonstrate some extra commands. In this step we will get the RGB values for this color. The code for this is:
var R = 0; var G = 0; var B = 0; if (RLevel > GLevel && RLevel > BLevel) { R = 255; } if (GLevel > BLevel && GLevel > RLevel) { G = 255; } if (BLevel > RLevel && BLevel > GLevel) { B = 255; }
Here we are first defining the variables R,G and B and setting them to 0 then we have three 'if' statements so for the first one it is basically saying if RLevel is bigger than GLevel and BLevel then set the R value to 255. The same goes for the G value and B value, if in the off chance any of the values are equal then all values will remain 0.

Step 10:

Now we will create a new color then fill the layer in with this color, using exactly the same commands that we used in step 4 and 5. The code for doing this is:
var color = new SolidColor(); = R; = G; = B; docRef_1.selection.selectAll(); docRef_1.selection.fill(color); docRef_1.selection.deselect();
The only difference is that we called the variable color, just because this could either be red, green or blue; in my case it was blue.

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Manipulate an Image with Scripting in photoshop 2

Step 4:

Now I will show you how to define colors using hexadecimal codes, colors can be defined in other ways like by RGB values as we will see later. Here we will define

a white color and a black color then set black as the foreground and white as the background. There is other ways of doing this but for the purpose of this tutorial I will show you this way. The code for this step is:
var white = new SolidColor(); white.rgb["hexValue"] = "ffffff" var black = new SolidColor(); black.rgb["hexValue"] = "000000" foregroundColor = black; backgroundColor = white;
You will notice here that the first two lines are roughly the same as the second and third; what we are doing here is setting up a variable which can be named anything but here we use the color it will contain as the variable name. We are then saying that this variable is equal to new SolidColor() which is a function for creating a new color. The next line is setting the hexadecimal value for this color to whatever the color should be so for white this is "ffffff", what we are ultimately saying here is that white is the color white and black is the color black.
The last two lines set the foreground color to black and the background color to white, and are fairly easy to look at and understand straight away. In Photoshop the equivalent action for doing this would just be to hit D to reset the colors.
Try now, setting the foreground color and background color to a random color manually then running the full script which should give you the same result as we got in step 3 but now the foreground and background colors will be set properly.

Step 5:

Now we are going to fill the background layer white using the white color we set up in the last step. For this we first need to make a selection around the whole document then fill that selection. The code for this is:
docRef_1.selection.selectAll(); docRef_1.selection.fill(white); docRef_1.selection.deselect();
The first line creates a selection using the selectAll() function, for any command that can be used on different documents we have to tell Photoshop which document we are working on even though we only have one open in this case.
The second line is telling Photoshop to fill this selection in with the white color. Sometimes it is confusing as it wouldn't be stupid to think that something like docRef_1.selction.fill = white would do what we are trying to do, but this isn't a real command and this is where ESTK comes in useful as it will point out the correct use of something like the fill command just by typing in fill.
The third line is fairly self explanatory, it will deselect the selection, exactly the same as hitting Ctrl+D in Photoshop.
Again test the script and you should end up with a white background layer and the image in the layer above. In Photoshop, all this could have been done using Ctrl+A then Shift+F5 to select all then fill the selection.

Step 6:

In the next two steps we will use a script to find the average color in the photograph; we will then use this information to decide how to edit the image. This part of the script could have lots of other uses for example you could use a similar script to create a color chart based on the colors that make up the image. In this step we will first duplicate the image layer then we will apply an average blur filter which will find the average color then fill the layer with that color. The code for doing this is:
docRef_1.layers[0].duplicate(); docRef_1.activeLayer = docRef_1.layers[0]; docRef_1.activeLayer.applyAverage();
The first line looks familiar, we used the same command in step 3 but here we have replaced backgroundLayer with layers[0]. To understand this we need to know a bit about arrays in JavaScript. Arrays are simply just variables which hold more than one value, where variables are like boxes with a single piece of information, arrays are like a big boxes with lots of smaller boxes labelled zero to infinity inside. For example if you wanted to create an array holding the first three days of the week you would type:
var days = ["Monday", "Tuesday", "Wednesday"]
Now if you wanted to use the first day of the week you would use the code:
This would equal "Monday"
Obviously don't include these last two lines in your script. Now that you know a bit about arrays we can go back to the three lines of code we added. In the first line layers is an array which includes all the layers in our document. The top layer in the stack is always the first in the array, corresponding to layers[0] because arrays start at 0 instead of 1.
The second line sets the active layer to the top layer this is the same as selecting a layer in the layer panel in Photoshop. We didn't need to change the active layer but it makes things easier later on.
The last line applies the average blur, the format here is the same as most of the commands we have used so far and is what's called a method and usually takes the form of document.layer.function where the layer is the active layer and the function is applying the average blur. This can be done in Photoshop by going filter>blur>average.
Again, test the script and you should have a new layer above the image filled with a solid color.

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Manipulate an Image with Scripting in photoshop 1

Manipulate an Image with Scripting Photoshop Tutorial Scripting in Photoshop is something rarely touched upon in regular Photoshop tutorials, but is something definitely worth learning. Scripts are a much more powerful way to automate tasks than actions and can be used to do things which normally aren't possible in Photoshop. Here we create a script which will edit any image, giving a stylish way to show your photographs.
ins style="border: medium none; display: inline-table; height: 280px; margin: 0pt; padding: 0pt; position: relative; visibility: visible; width: 336px;">


In this tutorial I will aim to show how to create this effect using scripts but will also show the corresponding steps in Photoshop, making it easy for you to understand how to alter your script to achieve different results.
Photoshop allows scripts in three different programming languages; VBScript, AppleScript and JavaScript, however JavaScript is the only cross platform script available so we will use it, it is also more useful to learn JavaScript. If you haven't ever programmed in JavaScript, you should still be able to understand this tutorial as I have explained all of the concepts in enough detail. When writing JavaScript you are free to use whatever text editor which suits you, however newer versions of Photoshop come with a program called ExtendScript Toolkit (ESTK) which makes scripting a lot easier. This is usually found hidden away in the same folder that contains Photoshop. If you don’t already have this program then you can download it here although it may not work for older versions of Photoshop. There are a few advantages of using this program, mainly the debugger and the fact that you can run scripts straight from the program.
For most of the steps I will show what your image should look like after you have run the script. Throughout this tutorial I used this image from stock.xchng, optionally you can save a small size version of this image for the purpose of testing your scripts as the script will run faster this way. The script works for any image of any size.

Step 1



Open the editor you want to use, either ESTK or a regular text editor like notepad for Windows, don’t use a program like Microsoft Word for this. If your using ESTK then there should be a dropdown menu at the top left of the window, select Adobe Photoshop from this and this will link the program to Photoshop.
Now we will right a simple script to test we have the settings correct. Type the code shown below into your editor:
alert("Hello World")
What this simple command will do is to bring up an alert box saying ‘Hello World’; we will use alert boxes throughout this tutorial in order to test parts of our script. By putting the quote marks in we are indicating that this is a string which is just a word.
Now run your script, If you are using a regular text editor like notepad then the easiest way to run your script is to save the file as ‘myscript.jsx’ then open Photoshop and go file>scripts>browse then select your script. If you are using ESTK then just hit the play button in the top right of the document window. Automatically you should see your alert box pop up. Before testing your scripts close any document that is open in Photoshop.

Step 2

Delete the alert code you had in the editor as we were only using it to test the settings. There are two settings we want to apply every time we run our script, these are to tell Photoshop to use pixels as the default unit and not to display dialog boxes unless we tell it to. If we wanted to do this within Photoshop we would go edit>preferences>units & rulers and change the rulers value to pixels, obviously turning off dialog boxes is limited to the scripting only. The code for doing this is:
preferences.rulerUnits = Units.PIXELS; displayDialogs = DialogModes.NO
The first command is, simply telling Photoshop to access the rulerUnits within the preferences then change the units to pixels. You will notice that this is arranged in a hierarchical structure for example the rulerUnits is contained within the preferences, this is easy to visualise as Photoshop is arranged in exactly the same way.
The second command is basically telling Photoshop to change the value of displayDialogs to NO, if you wanted to have dialogs displayed while running the script then you would change the NO to YES.

Step 3:

Now we want to let the user select a file to open, for this we need to bring up an open dialog box, even though we turned dialogs off if we tell Photoshop to bring up a dialog it will do it. We then want to define a variable that references to this document then we want to duplicate the background layer. The code for doing this is:
open(File(openDialog())); var docRef_1 = activeDocument
The first command is made up of three parts, the open() command which will open the file within the brackets, next the File() command which fetches the file path within the brackets but instead of adding a path we added the openDialog() command. So this is displaying a dialog box where the user selects a file then it will get the file path and open that file, if you were wanting to open the same file each time you could swap the openDialog() with the file path and name .
In the next command what we are doing is setting up a variable using var then the variable name which can be anything but here I used docRef_1, if I was to open another document I would make a variable named docRef_2. We are then setting docRef_1 to be equal to the active document.
In the last command what we are doing is telling Photoshop to duplicate the background layer in docRef_1 which is the only document we have open anyway. You will notice again that this is similar to what you would do in Photoshop, as in you would select the document which contains the layer you want to duplicate then you would select the layer you want to duplicate then you would duplicate it.
Try running the full script now and you will end up with a background layer containing the image you chose and also a layer above that containing the same image.
To do this step in Photoshop you would simply go Ctrl+O then choose your file then right click on the background layer and select duplicate layer.

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Decorating Text in photoshop 3

Step 16

For this step you will need to have a floral brush set, lots of these can be found here, download one and install it,
note that you may need to restart Photoshop after installing it. Create a new group behind the text and in a new layer; use the purple swatch and go wild with these brushes, making them flow from the letters and the lines. My set included some leaves which I dotted around using the green swatch. Using the floral brushes was just an idea, other vector style brushes can give good results too, one which is worth trying is using tree brushes on the top half of the letters.

Step 17

Another nice detail that is simple to make is these blue lines. First create a new layer then select the blue swatch then the brush tool and use an 8px hard brush. Use the pen tool to create a large arc, mine went roughly from the 'H' to the 'O', now stroke the path and make sure simulate pressure is checked. Use the eraser tool to get rid of half of the line and to blend it slightly. I created three of these.

Step 18

Duplicate this layer, with all three lines in it then hit Ctrl+T and rotate the lines roughly 180° then move them to below the text as shown here.

Step 19

The text is looking nice now however the foreground and background are like to separate images at the moment so we will learn a few ways to make them harmonize better. A good way to approach this problem would be to create an in between layer which is kind of half and half and can bridge the gap between foreground and background. Start by creating a new group within the foreground group but below everything else in that group. Create a new layer in this group then go image>apply image then edit>transform>warp and drag only the boxes here to warp the image, make sure that when your warping the image it still covers the entire document or else you will be left with sharp edges.

Step 20

Now select this layer then go layer>layer mask>hide all, change the foreground color to white then use a few of the following brushes with medium opacity to unhide some of the content on this layer, make sure the layer mask is selected rather than the layer itself.
1. A grungy brush of any size, this can be a brush you have downloaded or one that comes with Photoshop like the spatter, charcoal or chalk brushes, these work well when used at a larges size and dotted rather than dragged.
2. A floral brush of medium to large size. This looks good on a slightly higher opacity brush as well as on low. Never drag these brushes, it just doesn't work.
3. A really good effect can be created when using the pattern stamp tool (s), although it requires a few tries to get it right. Try using the pattern we created earlier and also some of Photoshop's like the checkered one.
Optionally you can repeat these two steps again to add more detail as you are trying to get a fine balance between the foreground and background.

Step 21

You will notice with the image we have at the moment, the clouds are only in the background. Let's solve this problem; we have to choices here, we either add more in front of the foreground group or we can take something away from the foreground. I've found that the taking away method produces a more realistic result. However if you have some cloud brushes kicking about feel free to use them but in this image I didn’t. First let’s check where we are at in terms of layers; at the moment you should only have a foreground group, a background group and the white background layer, everything else should be contained within these. In the background group duplicate one of the cloud layers then drag it out of this group and to the very top of the layer stack. Change the blending mode to normal then go select>color range and pick the very darkest part of the image and use the settings shown below, OK. Now you should have a rough selection around the clouds, hide this layer then select the foreground group and in the layers panel click the layer mask button at the bottom.

Step 22

The last step is to add some color adjustments to the whole image. Start by creating a new layer above the foreground group then select the gradient tool and create a gradient like shown here. Use a radial gradient setting an create a blurry circle, go back to the gradient editor and change the color and do this again until you have something that resembles below. Lastly change the opacity of this layer to 50% and the blending mode to color. One last adjust that I save until last is to move that cloud layer that we duplicated to the top of the layer stack, unhide it then change the blend mode to soft light; I'll let you decide on the opacity this layer should be.

Continue.. 1 2 3

Decorating Text in photoshop 2

Step 7


The next few steps will show how to add some goo and drips to the text. Set the foreground color to the purple swatch then create a new layer group named goo directly below the text, still within the foreground group. Create a new layer within this group (Shift+Ctrl+N). Use the line shape tool (U) and create lines like the ones shown here, make some with the weight set at 2px and some with weight at 3px to add some variety.

Step 8

Create a new layer within the goo group. Select the brush tool (B) and use a round brush with a size of 3px and a hardness of 100%. Zoom in to about 400% and draw some droplets at the bottom of each line, also draw some beads of liquid on the line.

Step 9

Create another new layer within the goo group. Using the same brush, decorate the text a little more to achieve a result similar to below. This step can take a few tries to get right but is quite enjoyable at the same time.

Step 10

If you try Ctrl+clicking on the text layer you will notice that the selection will not include the border around the text, this will become a problem in the next few steps as you will see. The easiest way to overcome this is to first duplicate the text layer then drag it below the original text, now create a new layer directly below the new text layer then select the new text layer and merge it down (Ctrl+E) then name it 'selection'. Now if you Ctrl+click this layer you will notice the selection covers the border of the text and we also still have our original text which can be edited easily.

Step 11

Create a new layer group named lines, this time above the text layer although still in the foreground group. Create a new layer then select the pen tool and draw path, making sure to hold and drag after each point to ensure the path is smooth. Next right click on the path and select stroke path and don't check simulate pressure. The result should be similar to below. On these brushes, using simulate pressure will blend out both ends of the line which is not what we want here.

Step 12

Now select the eraser (E) and use a 100px diameter, 0% hardness and 30% opacity to fade out the end of the line. Also use the blur tool (R) with a similar brush to blur some parts of the line.


Step 13

Now we will use that layer we created back in step 10 to remove parts of this line accurately. The concept behind this method is to use our selection layer to select all our text then create a new selection manually and intersect these selections, let’s see how it works. clip_image052
First Ctrl+click on the selection layer then select the polygonal lasso tool (L) and in the main toolbar change it to intersect mode. Choose a part of the line that you want behind the text then draw round that part of the text then select the layer with the line in it and hit Delete. So in the image here, I want the line to go behind the left part of the 'H', note that I didn’t draw accurately around the 'H' this is because only the parts included in both selections will become our final selection. Continue using this method for other parts of the line to give the impression it weaving in and out of the text.

Step 14

Try adding some more lines using the same method shown in the last three steps. Try also changing the brush size to either 2px or 1px or switching on simulate pressure.
In this example I used a 1px brush with simulate pressure on.
Here I used our green swatch, again with 1px and simulate pressure on.
For this effect I used a 2px brush with simulate pressure on and when creating the path, held Shift to get a straight line.

Step 15

A quick way to make some random dots is to first select the brush tool, using a 2px hard brush then hit F5 to open the brush editor. Use the same settings as shown here and use the blue swatch we created earlier. For this brush we can drag it, note how the dots will be random and will give different effects depending on how fast you move the cursor.

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