
عبد المنعم أبو الفتوح مرشح الاخوان المسلمين لرئاسة الجمهورية

جروب لدعم ابو الفتوح رئيساً لمصر
عبد المنعم ابو الفتوح مرشح جماعة الاخوان المسلمين لرئاسة الجمهورية.
برغم عدم إعلان موقفة الى الان من الترشح لرئاسة الجمهورية من عدمة ,إلا ان هناك عدداً من الاحداث التى توحى على عزم عبد المنعم ابو الفتوح الترشح لرئاسة الجمهورية القادمة.
حيث أطلق عدداً من شباب جماعة لاخوان المسلمين عبر الانترنت عدداً من الحملات الداعمة لابوالفتوح ,حيث تم إنشاء جروب على الفيس بوك يدعى من خلالة شباب الجماعة مسنادة ابو الفتوح لرئاسة الجمهورية متخذين العديد من الشعارات لحملتهم هذة منها :
" علشان بلدنا وأهلنا وشباب ضحوا بحضن أمهم وضحكة عيالهم وأهلهم نرشح أبوالفتوح لرئاسة الجمهورية"..
أيضاً عبر مطوية تصدرتها صورة عضو مجلش الشورى لجماعة الاخوان المسلمين ,تحثة على الترشح للرئاسة,بيد أن ابو الفتوح لم يعلن موقفة الى الان من الترشح من عدمة.
جمعت المطوية التى تبناها شباب الجماعة عدداً من الشعارات والصور التى تعبر بشكل او بأخر عن عدم هؤلاء الشباب لابو الفتوح رئيساً لمصر ,الى جانب حث المواطنين لدعمة أيضاً, صدرت المطوية وبها صورتى " السادات ومبارك " داخل مربع مظللتين باللونين الأبيض والأسود، فى إشارة إلى عصر الظلام، بينما وضعت صورة ملونة " لــ أبوالفتوح "، وأسفل الصورة، وضعت تفاصيل مناظرته الشهيرة مع " السادات " .
بينما حث شباب الجماعة عبر تلك المطوية المواطنين على ضرورة مساندة ابو الفتوح من أجل مستقبل افضل متخذين الكثير من الشعارات المعبرة عن ذلك,والى الان لم يصدر إعلاناً رسمياً من قبل جماعة الاخوان المسلمين يؤكد بالفعل هل ينوى عبد المنعم أبوالفتوح الترشح لرئاسة الجمهورية أم لا؟
سؤال ستجيب علية الايام القادمة.

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1 Drawing Paths with the Pen tool in Photoshop Photoshop Tutorial
2 HDR - High Dynamic Range Photography. Merging HDR in Photoshop CS3 CS4 Tutorial

photoshop Wonder Woman Pin Up Digital Painting

Create a Realistic Page Curl in Photoshop

Design a Beautiful Cosmic Space Scene in Photoshop

Create Smoke Text in photoshop

Manipulate an Image with Scripting in photoshop
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Step 6 - Ground and grass

Now we’re going to add the ground. The first picture used it’s a simple ground with sand taken from a photo of a beach.

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The grass is taken from different photographs. First, create a new layer for the grass and position it behind low the layer with the model. Select and cut different parts of grass then mix them to create a field of grass like the image below.

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This layer with the grass should be positioned between the layer with the model and the layer with the ground. Create a new layer and position it above the layer with the model and add some grass to cover the back of the models feet.

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Finally, carefully add some grass and stone over the edge of the grass and the ground to hide the hard edges. It’s important that you inspect the edges thoroughly to hide any imperfections.

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Step 7 – Add more roots

Now we’re going to add roots and flowers in the close-up. If you have read all the previous steps, you’ll have no trouble doing this. As mentioned before, it is very important that you choose good photos to work with. The photos should be high quality and in focus from foreground to background. If you use low resolution images, the finished results will look poor.
With this in mind, use a variety of photographs of flowers, roots, and trunks. Cut them out carefully with the lasso or quick mask tool and paste in the photo manipulation. Use the same coloring technique with the color balance tool (Image > Adjustments > Color Balance) that we used several times earlier.

Photoshop Cs5 Tutorials For Beginners

To complete the blending of these images, we’re going to add to the ground. There are two ways to do this:
  • This is the one that I explained at the end of step 5. Using the drop shadow in the layer style menu (Layer > Layer Style > Drop Shadow).
  • Selecting the layer with the ground and using the burn tool in the areas where the shadows fall.

Step 8 - Dust

Now we are going to create some dust next to the feet of the girl. Use a picture with a cloudy sky then select one cloud using the lasso tool.

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Copy it and paste in our document then choose Image > Adjustments > Levels. Move the middle input slider to the right to darken the cloud.

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Then use the eraser tool in the edge of the cloud with a soft edge brush. Finally, choose Filter > Blur > Motion Blur and add the blur from left to right about 7 or 8 pixels. Position this layer behind the layer with the model. Duplicate the layer then move the new layer above the layer with the model. On this new layer, use the levels tool again but this time move the central input slider to the left to brighten the cloud.
The last retouching work will be to add red and yellow tones by using the color balance tool (Image > Adjustments > Color Balance).

Photoshop Cs5 Tutorials For Beginners

Step 9 - Final Roots

We’re going to add the final roots. We need them to be positioned in a zigzag shape on the body of the model. To make this effect, we will need a combination of root photos like shown in the image below.

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As always, the first step will be to select and match the different colors and lights of the roots using the levels tool (Image > Adjustments > Levels) and the color balance tool (Image > Adjustments > Color Balance). use the eraser with a soft edge to erase all that you don’t need and to give the ends of the roots a faded effect (so that they can be connected easily afterwards). Here is an example of combining different roots to create a large root:

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It’s less difficult than it looks. Just be patient to find good images of roots and combine them using the same technique.

Step 10 - Some details

To make our photo manipulation more attractive we are going to add more details like flowers, petals, and a

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bird. I chose photos with objects that are easy to isolate. This will speed things up and ensure good results.

Step 11 - Adjustments Layers

To complete the photo manipulation, we’re going to add some adjustments layers. Select the upper layer then choose Layer > New Adjustment Layer > Hue/Saturation. Reduce the saturation by about –10 or to your likings. Experiment with using other adjustment layers to alter the color and effect of the final image.

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Final Result

Making a complex photo manipulation like this is not difficult if you follow the a few principles of photo manipulation. Some important principles are:
  • Choose good photos to start with.
  • Make sure that the lighting and color of the objects in your composition match.
  • Don’t rush. Take your time to find good images to work with and carefully blend them together. Ensure that there are no artifacts or unclean edges.

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Combine Photo Elements to Create a Surreal Photo Manipulation - Page 2

Step 4 - Coloring the model

As you can see the lighting of the model isn’t blending in well with the background. We’re going to fix this with the levels tool. Choose Image > Adjustments > levels and move the input sliders to add contrast that matches the contrast of the background

Photoshop Cs5 Tutorials For Beginners

Now choose Image > Adjustments > Hue/Saturation and reduce the saturation to reduce the saturation created when we used the levels tool. For the image used in this tutorial, the saturation was reduced by –24.
The next step will be exactly the same that in step 2 (when we used the color balance tool) except we’re going to use it on the model. First, duplicate the layer with the model so that you have two layers. Select one of the layers with the model then, like step two, use the color balance tool (Image > Adjustments > Color Balance) to add some red/yellow tones.

Photoshop Cs5 Tutorials For Beginners

As you can see, it looks blended better with the left half of the background. Now, select the other layer of the model then choose Image > Adjustments > Color Balance and add some blue and cyan tones.
Now, as you did before with the sky, use the eraser tool with a soft edge to remove the left side of the layer with the girl in blue tones. Reduce the opacity on the current layer to reduce the strength of the color effect.

Photoshop Cs5 Tutorials For Beginners

We’ve done the hardest part matching the lighting of the model with the background. Merge the layers of the model into one layer. Now you can play again withthe levels, color balance, and saturation (found in the Image > Adjustments menu) to make further adjustments.

Step 5 - Lightning the model

For the image used in this tutorial, the light comes from the background left. And to make the lighting match, we’ll have to darken the back of the model. To begin, select the burn tool.

Photoshop Cs5 Tutorials For Beginners

Use a soft brush, edit the midtones, and set the exposure to around 30%.

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Now use the brush over the models back. Try not make it too dark, just a little. Use this tool in the skirt too.
After that, select the dodge tool and paint the outline of the model (especially in her hair and her left arm).

Photoshop Cs5 Tutorials For Beginners

Step 5 - Roots

Now we are going to add some roots and branches to the body of the model. It’s not difficult and you just need some images of trees and roots. We will be cutting parts of the root and tree and giving them some color like we did earlier with the color balance tool.

Photoshop Cs5 Tutorials For Beginners

First step will be to look for a beautiful root and select it with your favorite tool (Magnetic lasso or quick mask mode for example). Don’t worry if it’s not a perfect selection, we will modify it later. Copy it and paste in our image.

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As you can see the new image has not the same light and colors that the others, it looks out of place. What we have to do it’s the same that we did with the sky and the girl. Choose Image > Adjustments > Levels and adjust the input sliders. If you move the one in the center to the left the image will be brighter. If you move it to the right the image will be darker. In our case we are going to move to the right.
Now choose Image > Adjustments > Color Balance and add color depending of the place where you are going to put the root. If the root it’s on the left arm of the girl, for example, it will need red and yellow. But if it is on the right arm you have to add blue and cyan. This time we are going to add yellow and red. This is how it looks with the modifications:

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When you have the root ready, just place it where you think that it will look good and select the eraser tool with a focus brush. Erase all the part that you don’t need and give the correct form to the root, now it’s when you have to improve the selection root.

Photoshop Cs5 Tutorials For Beginners

The final step will be to use the burn tool in the areas where we should see shadows. For example, in the image below, it was used over the arm or in the bottom. I have added a little of blue using Image > Adjustments > Color Balance too. The last step is to erase the upper part of the root to create the look of a crease.

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All the roots are added using the same process. The biggest impact to your results is choosing the photos. Once you have good photos to work with, you’ll have no problem getting good results using this technique.

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There is just one last detail to explain. Sometimes, to get a more realistic feeling you can add a shadow to the root that falls over the skin or the dress. Take a look to this picture:

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The only difference it’s the shadow on the right arm. To make this shadow just need to make double click over the root layer and the layer style menu will be open (or choose Layer > Layer Style > Drop Shadow). Select Drop Shadow and then use the arrow to move the shadow with freedom. When you have putted the shadow in the correct place just use the opacity bar in the drop shadow menu to add more or less intensity.

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Photoshop Cs5 Tutorials For Beginners

Combine Photo Elements to Create a Surreal Photo Manipulation

Combine Photo Elements to Create a Surreal Photo Manipulation Photoshop Tutorial

Photoshop Cs5 Tutorials For Beginners

This Photoshop tutorial, you will learn how to use a variety of color, lighting, and cut and paste techniques to create a surreal photo manipulation. Combine your creativity with these Photoshop techniques to create your own photo manipulation artworks.

Preview of Final Results

Combine Photo Elements to Create a Surreal Photo Manipulation Photoshop Tutorial

Photoshop Cs5 Tutorials For Beginners



Step 1 - Place the background

The first step it’s to place the sky, our background, into the image. As you can see, we have changed the color of it. We’re going to create a half of the image with a warm tone and another with a cool tone using the color balance tool. To do this, select the sky and then choose Image > Adjustments > Color Balance. Adjust the input sliders to add red and yellow. Select “highlights” and “shadows” then try adding more of these colors until you like the tones in your image.

Photoshop Cs5 Tutorials For Beginners


Photoshop Cs5 Tutorials For Beginners

Step 2 - Coloring the sky

Duplicate the layer with the sky. Now we are going to repeat the previous step with the color balance tool (Image > Adjustments > Color Balance) but this time adding blue and cyan tones. Remember to add some color to highlights and shadows as well.

Photoshop Cs5 Tutorials For Beginners

Select the eraser tool then, in the option bar, select a blurred brush like shown below:

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Now use the eraser tool to erase the left side of the sky in the top layer. This will make the warm tones from the layer below appear wherever you paint. When using the eraser, create curved strokes rather than a straight cut. When you have finished this step, you can reduce the opacity of the current layer to make the color more subtle.

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Step 3 – Add the model

Now let’s open picture of the model. Use the magic wand tool to create a selection of the model then click on the add layer mask button in the layers palette to create a mask of the model. Refine the mask by painting in the layer mask using a brush with a harder edge. When you’re done, position the woman in the centre of the image.


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استعادة أموال مصر المنهوبة من لندن

شقة للرئيس المخلوع فى لندن
تناقلت الاخبار الصادرة صباح اليوم ,عن حصول مصر على جميع ممتلكات الرئيس السابق حسنى مبارك فى لندن ,فى صفقة أبرمتها الحكومة المصرية مع لندن.
جاءت تلك الاخبار من بعض المصادر الرقابية العليا فى البلاد تؤكد على أن مصر قد وضعت يدها بالفعل على جميع ممتلكات الرئيس السابق فى لندن مقابل أن تتنازل مصر عن جزء من تلك الممتلكات للحكومة البريطانية ,مقابل أن تحصل صر على النصيب الاكبر من تلك الممتلكات من أجل تسريع عملية عودة تلك الاموال.
من بين تلك الاموال قصر للرئيس السابق فى لندن يقدر بنحو 200 مليون جنية إسترلينى الى جانب بعض العقارات الاخرى كشقق بلندن أيضاً والتى مكث فيها كلا من علاء مبارك وسوزان مبارك ,فى الفترة التى بدأت فيها اللثورة المصرية تشتد مما إضرها الى السفر الى لندن هى وإنبها علاء هرباً من مصر وم يدور بها.
وكان من بين تلك الصفقة التى أبرمتها مصر مع نظيرتها بريطانيا تتضمن ترحيل كلاً من علاء مبارك وأمة سوزان ثابت الى مصر ,وهو الذى قد حدث بالفعل تنفيذاً لتلك الصفقة.
الجدير بالذكر أن الصورة الموضحة أعلى يسار المقال هى لاشرف مروان والتى مات فيها العام الماضى ,وقد تسلمتها السلطات المصرية بعد ذلك, ثم وضع يدة عليها الرئيس المخلوع حسنى مبارك..

Download Free Photoshop Gradients

This is our compilation of 20 Photoshop Gradient sets that you can download for free. Some of the gradient sets contain more than 50 gradients (and some less). We're gonna take a safe bet here and let's say each set has an average of 25 gradients. With this assumption, you have 500 gradients to download. And that is a lot of option for you. In most cases, you'll be downloading a .GRD file for the

بالفيديو خناقة فى قناة الفراعين - ضرب بالكراسى والفاظ خارجة

شعار قناة الفراعين
فى أحد البرامج الحوارية على قناة الفراعين , يختتم البرنامج بمعركة دامية بين شخصيتين تم إجراء اللقاء بينهما على إثر القرار الذى صدر من المحكمة ,بحل الحزب الوطنى الديمقراطى نهائياً.
ما بين مدافعاً عن الحزب الوطنى ,ومنتقداً لقرار المحكمة ,وبين معارضاً ومن اشد المعارضيين للحزب الوطنى ,ذاكراً تلك المساؤى التى تعرض وإنتهجها الحزب خلال الثلاثون عاماً المنقضية.
إشدت الحوار الساخن بين الطرفين مما أدى الى تطاولهما على بعضهم البعض بالفاظ خارجة تماماً ,وتطاول الايدى بالكراسى والاشتباك مما دفع مسؤلى القناة الى التدخل الفورى للعمل على فض الاستباك.
من خلال الفيديو التالى يمكنك مشاهدة خناقة قناة الفراعين :

Download Gradient Photo Effect PSD

What can you do with gradient? If your answer is nothing much, then you should think again. Gradient is such a simple tool in Photoshop, but once you've discovered the amazing photo effects you can get out of it, Photoshopping becomes much more fun. To learn more about gradient map in Photoshop, you can check out our previous tutorial on: Discovering Gradient Map in Photoshop. Today, we're

بالفيديو خطاب وكلمة الرئيس السابق حسنى مبارك لقناة العربية

الرئيس المصرى السابق / محمد حسنى مبارك
خطاب الرئيس المصرى السابق محمد حسنى مبارك لقناة العربية, أول خطاب الرئيس حسنى مبارك لقناة العربية ولاى قناة عربية عقب ,تنحية من رئاسة الجمهورية.
تناول الخطاب الذى أدلى بة الرئيس المصرى السابق حسنى مبارك ,عدداُ من النقاط التى أراد الرئيس السابق ,توضيحها لكافة جموع الشعب المصرى.
فى ظل تلك الاشاعات التى ترددت فى الاوانة الاخيرة ,سواء كان مرض الرئيس السابق,او مغادرة الرئيس خارج مصر هرباً من حضورة لاجراء اى تحقيقات حول ثروة الرئيس وما تقدم ضدة من بلاغات كثيرة جداَ,أوضح الرئيس أنها تنال من سمعتة وسمعتة اسرتة سواء زوجتة أو ولدية علاء مبارك وجمال مبارك ,الامر الذى أدلى بة الرئيس السابق حسنى مبارك خلال التسجيل الصوتى الذى إنفردت بة قناة العربية ,والذى أدكد فى نهايتة على أنة سيلاحق كل من تقدم بتلك البلاغات للاسائة لسمعتة ,هذا ما يكفلة لى القانون ,وانة على إستعداد تام ,للتعاون مع النائب العام فى إجراء أى تحقيقات ,وتقديم مستندات تؤكد على عدم وجود ملكيات للرئيس خارجياً,كما أكد مبارك على أنة لا يمتلك اى عقارات أو أموال فى اى من النوبك الخارجية كما اكد على أنة لا يمتلك إلا أحد الحسابات فى البنوك المصرية دون ذكر إسمها أو كم يوجد بهذا الحساب ,حيث ذكر انةكافة البيانات بخصوص هذا الحساب تم تقديمها الى النائب العام فى إقرار الذمة المالية.
يمكنك مشاهدة فيديو يوتيوب,لكلمة الرئيس المصرى السابق حسنى مبارك من خلال الفيديو التالى :

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Drawing Paths with the Pen tool in Photoshop Photoshop Tutorial

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Manipulate an Image with Scripting in photoshop
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Portrait Photo To Color Sketch In Photoshop 2

Step 7: Merge The Layers Onto A New Layer

Hold down the Alt (Win) / Option (Mac) key on your keyboard and with the key still held down, go up to the Layer menu at the top of the screen and choose Merge Visible:
Photoshop Merge Visible command. Image © 2011 Photoshop
Hold down Alt (Win) / Option (Mac) and go to Layer > Merge Visible.
Normally, the Merge Visible command would essentially flatten our image by merging all of our existing layers down onto a single layer, but by holding down Alt (Win) / Option (Mac) while choosing Merge Visible, we told Photoshop to keep all of our initial layer intact, merging them on to a new layer (Layer 2) above the originals:
The layers have been merged onto a new layer. Image © 2011 Photoshop
The three original layers are combined onto a fourth layer above them.

Step 8: Change The Blend Mode To Multiply And Adjust The Layer Opacity

Go up to the Blend Mode option at the top of the Layers panel and change the blend mode for the merged layer from Normal to Multiply. This will darken the lines in the sketch effect. If you find the effect is now too dark, lower the Opacity value, which is to the right of the Blend Mode option. Keep an eye on the image as you adjust the opacity to fine tune the results. I'm going to lower mine down to 50%:
Changing the blend mode to Multiply and lowering the layer opacity. Image © 2011 Photoshop
Change the blend mode to Multiply, then adjust the result with the Opacity option.
Here's my result after darkening the effect:
The photo sketch after darkening the edges. Image © 2011 Photoshop
The sketch now appears darker against the white background.

Step 9: Duplicate The Background Layer

At this point, the sketch effect is complete and if you're happy with it in black and white, you can stop here. If you want to add color to the sketch, continue on with these last few steps. We're going to colorize the sketch using the colors from the original photo. Our original photo is on the Background layer, so we'll need to make a copy of it. Click on the Background layer in the Layers panel to select it:
Selecting the Background layer in the Layers panel in Photoshop. Image © 2011 Photoshop
Select the Background layer to make it active.
With the Background layer selected, go up to the Layer menu, choose New, then choose Layer via Copy, or press Ctrl+J (Win) / Command+J (Mac). Photoshop makes a copy of the layer, names it "Background copy" and places it directly above the original:
Duplicating the Background layer in Photoshop. Image © 2011 Photoshop
The copy appears above the original Background layer.

Step 10: Move The Background Copy Above The Other Layers

To use this Background copy layer to colorize our sketch, we need to move it above the other layers. We can jump it straight to the top of the layer stack by pressing the keyboard shortcut Shift+Ctrl+] (Win) / Shift+Command+] (Mac). The ] is the right bracket key. With the Background copy layer now at the top, the original image will once again appear in the document window:
Jumping a layer to the top of the layer stack in Photoshop. Image © 2011 Photoshop
The Background copy layer has been jumped to the top of the layer stack.

Step 11: Change The Blend Mode To Color

To mix the colors of the original image in with the sketch effect, change the blend mode for the Background copy layer from Normal to Color:
Photoshop Color blend mode. Image © 2011 Photoshop
Change the layer blend mode to Color.
The Color blend mode mixes the colors from the current layer with the brightness values of the layers below it, giving us our colorized sketch effect:
Photoshop photo to color sketch effect. Image © 2011 Photoshop
The result after changing the blend mode to Color.

Step 12: Lower The Opacity

Finally, if you find the color looks too intense, simply lower the Opacity value at the top of the Layers panel to fine-tune the results. I'll lower mine down to 65%:
Lowering the layer opacity. Image © 2011 Photoshop
Lower the layer opacity to reduce the amount of color in the sketch.
With the opacity lowered, here is my final result:
Photoshop photo to color pencil sketch effect. Image © 2011 Photoshop
The final color sketch effect.
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