
Turn Photo into a Canvas Painting

Eh, finally a new tutorial today. It's a simple and easy one on how to turn your image or photo into a canvas-style painting. This canvas painting effect will look nice on a scenery image with lots of colors blended together. You can try it on a portrait as well and see how it turns out. For those with not so much talent in drawing the scent on your own, Photoshop is here to save the day. As

Black and White Image with a Hint of Color

This is an extension to our previous black and white tutorial. This tutorial will show you how to have a black and white image but at the same time, you can have one or more object in red, blue or any other colors. It's a good way to keep the focus on the main subject while leaving everything else black and white. Some people may call this a selective color effect. Guess it's from the fact that

Create Professional B&W Photography

There are several ways to get the Black and White effect on your picture. I'll show you one way to do it using Channel Mixer and Gradient Map in Photoshop. Don't worry, it's not as complicated as it sounds. With only 3 easy steps, you'll get a high contrast black and white picture that looks rather professional. So, if you feel like going back to basic today, let's try this black and white